Our Goal
We want the children to know they also have a Friend who gave up all He had to see them become all God wants them to be. Jesus, the Son of God, left His home in Heaven to come to earth as a little baby. He died and rose again to make a way for each child to have a personal relationship with Him, so they can become all God wants them to be. What a Friend!
Our desire is that churches and Para church organizations would play the role of Jonathan and go into a covenant relationship with the children. We believe that thousands of children could be reached for Christ, each becoming like David, a boy or girl after God’s own heart.
We invite you to join us in reaching children for Christ. Our desire is to win as many children to Christ as possible and to disciple them so they choose to live for Him. Together we will seek to reach, win, and disciple as many children as God entrusts to us, aiming to draw them and their families into our local churches and see them become involved in programs such as Sunday school, youth groups, etc. Our desire is to see whole families grow in Christ and live their lives for God’s honor and glory.